GR8Conf hangover: Groovy 3 & 4, Geb 3, Upgrading to Grails 4, Micronaut Security
Micronaut + GORM, EasyRandom, Groovy Calamari Podcast, IntelliJ IDEA, Java annotations
Open API, JSON Schema, Micronaut 1.1.1, Geb `downloadBytes`, GraalVM.
Micronaut and Grails Releases, GR8Conf, Micronaut Security, Java 8 Optional, GitOps
Micronaut 1.1.0.RC1 with RabbitMQ and Hazelcast support.
Friends of Apache Groovy - Open Collective
Load testing with Gatling
Grails 4 Milestone 1 released
Greach agenda, status of Groovy projects, sessions and DTOs.
Groovy and Graal? Possible?